Sunday, January 8, 2012

PUSH day 6 & 7: I'm an engineer!

PUSH day 6 and 7 involve reverse engineering. It's pretty much the same except that day 6 asks you to work on your PUSH goal and day 7 is about your health & fitness goal.

Day 6

PUSH goal: Save $
  • Have the bank auto deposit more from my paycheck into the 3% account.
  • Put $1 away for each workout I do.
  • Put $1 away for everyday without fro-yo. So far, 8 days! :)
  • Only use cash, and only take out $100/week, starting Mondays.

Day 7

Goal #5: I participate in 5Ks on holidays.

  • Find insoles for running.
  • Research places to run.
  • Sign up for a fun run.
  • Sign up for a 5K.

Goal #3: I am a fitness instructor.

  • Hike Peters Canyon.
  • Do a kettlebell workout.
  • Try Tabata interval training.
  • Research CrossFit gyms in my area.
  • Find out what I can buy with my expired LivingSocial kickboxing voucher. It's good for the original purchase price.
  • Take a step class.
  • Call FV 24 Hour Fitness for my free personal training session.
  • Go through Adams' 24 Hour Fitness and try each machine.
  • Research different chest exercises.
  • Google workouts to replace squats.
  • Lift more in BodyPump. By the end of January, 40 lbs on legs and continue with 10 lbs on arms. Increase arms next month then legs the month after.

Sub-goal: I want to lose those extra 20 pounds by July 9th, 2012.

  • Calculate how many lbs per month: lose 3.5 lbs per month.
  • What's my BMR? ~1400 cals/day not accounting for working out
  • Calorie deficit to lose 1 lb per week: 3,500 cals or 500 cals/day
  • How much am I willing to exercise per day? 1 hour on days with both jobs, 2 hours on days with only one shift

I put these are stickies on my desktop. Check it out:


  1. I like the save $ goals. I especially like the idea of taking out $100/wk and that is all you have to spend. I am def. doing that starting tomorrow!

  2. Honestly, I realized, I don't even use $100/wk. I only use ~$60 at most.
