Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Body like Heidi?

Mobile Blogger doesn't let me control which pictures come out first despite my attempts to figure it out.

So you'll have to connect the dots.

I slept late so it was particularly hard getting up. I tried the boot camp circuit from Heidi Klum's trainer. It wasn't particularly tough. I sweat a lot anyways. They only recommend 3-5 lb weights and 4-6 lb medicine ball. I upped that to 8 lb dumb bells and a 10 lb ball. I suppose it uses body weight.

I made some notes below. I started with 10 mins on the elliptical. Wow, it was tough today. My legs were not feeling it.

To the workout: the jump lunges and frog jump were killer. My favorite: squat thrust with medicine ball. This worked best when I found a ball with handles.

I ended with a hard five minutes on the bike and came out very sweaty. I'm thinking of writing some reviews on clothes to tell you how all this "technology" works, but I don't have a whole lot.

For my post-workout meal, I had a slice of monster meatloaf with spinach, goat cheese, some cranberries, and peanutty dressing.

Now that my mom has work, she's not home so it's kind of peaceful. I just let myself in, shower, and make breakfast. Easy going morning, except the dogs, who I threatened to spray with water. :(

My meals are packed for another long day. I'll see you tonight!

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