Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adjusted (LiveFit Week 1)

I slept in. Like, really slept in. I didn't set my alarm and I didn't have anything on my agenda so I wasn't worried. I ended up waking up at almost 9AM. I made the same thing as the other day for breakfast, with some warm tea, and sat outside with everyone.

We all had the day off. My aunt and mom chopped down some mini bananas. These aren't as good as regular bananas.

And the dogs played. This one is Sasha.

I did chores: vacuumed the house, did dishes, and took out the gallon bottles. I vacuumed the inside of my car and wiped it down - I used a toothbrush to get into the crevices! Woo, success!

Then my cousin woke up and I made her Live Laugh Eat's 3-ingredient oat flour crepes. I filled two of them with Justin's chocolate hazelnut butter and 1/2 banana then decided on a savory crepe, with goat cheese and mini peppers. She was full so that one went to the dogs. They thoroughly enjoyed it.

I made it to yoga. Its been awhile since I've gone to a real yoga studio. I headed over to Yoga Shakti to take a free class as part of my co-worker's yoga training. I didn't realize the class was an hour and a half till I got home. It was a good class and perfect for my sore body.

I was starved! For dinner, I took a page from Fitting it All In's book and made this dish with chicken, onions, and peppers. However, I added almond butter a la The Fitnessista.

Recap of LiveFit Trainer Week 1

Working out or not
I really enjoyed the workouts and looked forward to them. It was more fun than the cardio I'm used to. I did at most 10 minutes of cardio. I also worked a lot so I was worn out anyways.

I didn't have a lot of trouble resting, or as much as I thought I would have. I did go to TurboKick twice this week and yoga.

I ate clean for the most part, except a slice of pizza one day. Otherwise, I stuck well to it. I ate more protein like I expected and even had more carbs. The amount of fat I ate went way down so did my sugar. I cut down on fruit and ate lots more veggies.

I loved eating eggs at first and couldn't get enough of it. I ate 8 egg whites per day, which isn't even as much as they recommend! By day 7, today, I was tired of them. I had more chicken.

I felt full and only consumed about 1300 calories per day. This is big since it's more than I've usually eaten (1200), but I need to eat more. I'm not that hungry though. I need to eat more in the day - I ate breakfast then worked out and had a protein shake. I used to do the opposite so I wouldn't feel sick (with all the food in my belly), but this works out since I wasn't doing heavy cardio after breakfast.

I need to order the supplements. I have the protein powder, but I need to get a good multi (I've been out of them) and BCAA's. I'm actually ordering them right now.

How I feel
I was definitely sore so I felt like my muscles were working. I didn't sweat as much and my workouts were shorter so it took time to get accustomed to.

I didn't weigh or measure myself. I did feel like I was getting bigger, but I'm sure that was all in my head. My body image isn't getting easier quite yet.

I want to fix my body and get my hormones straight. The program works well for me because it's making me eat and rest more. It's giving my body less stress. For example, today was the first time in awhile that I wasn't stressed about waking up and had a nice yoga practice.

Everyone has had their doubts about this program as well, but somehow they have all had faith.

What time is sleeping in for you? 9AM is the latest for me in the past few years. Before then, it was really late... like 1PM on weekends.
What chores were you given as a child? I had to vacuum and clean my room, but I didn't have any other chores! It was an eye-opening experience when I moved away to college.


  1. It's great you are loving the workout as realizing that you need to eat more. Major step. Proud of you girl :-)

    For me slepping in is about 9:30 10 since I am up about 7 every morning. Years ago I would sleep until 1 no problem now I can't see how I ever did that it feel like such a waste.

    As for chores I actually never had any when I as little and don't really have them now. My mom was home when I was little so she would do everything and now she still does everything even though she works. She likes it that way. She always says we don't do it her way so she rather just do it and that is fine with me lol.

    1. I know what you mean. She'd just criticize what I'm doing and make me move over. Then she'd complain I didn't do anything. Oh well.

      I love the sunlight in the mornings!

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