Okay, I probably should've been around for the garage sale but I have my morning routine: tailgates (where I bought a strawberry-rhubarb streusel tart and found out that I like streusal topping more than the rest of the tart so only ate that and some filling), hit the gym for 30 mins upright bike-10 mins elliptical-hour of Power (Boby Pump type class)-hour of yoga-Pilates like PiYo, and came home.
I was so upset because my mom sold things well under their value except the old TV. It's a big hunk of junk, but someone paid $60 for it! But mostly I was upset because of the loveseat. She sold his loveseat. Our sofa sets look similar in color, but I never had a loveseat. I purchased a chaise lounge I sold years ago for $75. She sold both my couch and my roommate's loveseat for... $50!
Thank goodness the woman left her number because she was interested in the couch. Funny cause my mom knew the other couch wasn't mine, but I guess the woman was insistent. She was nice though and brought it back.
All stressed out, I had leftover deli turkey then 1/2 brown rice tortilla with 1/2 banana and maple pumpkin Better Butter.
We went out to Viva Deli last night. I got chicken salad on pretzel bread and ate half. Mom had turkey with brie on pretzel bread. She ate half also and we switched leftovers this morning. But I just ate the turkey today even though the pretzel bread was delicious.
During my shower, it started to storm so I'm ready to get in bed for a nap. Its become a habit as I can't seem to sleep at night and still wake up early. I would rather do what I did last year: wake up early, work out, nap, and workout again. If only I could get back to
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