It's difficult to both complete day-to-day events and think about moving so last week I put in my 2 week notice effective next Wednesday. In this way, I will be able to start cleaning. My roommate and I have separated the house. I have the living and dining rooms, kitchen, and garage while he has the office, basement, and outside. Mom comes June 14th so I have about a week to get things in shape and throw out or sell most things. The plan is to take very little with me.
All of that will be thought about after June 8th though. There's too much to do and it's quite overwhelming so I can put it on hold for just another week. I hope. Since I bought the plane ticket there's really no room for procrastination.
The last few days of work have been great. We had an early day on Monday with 5 kids, Tuesday was the last day for half our kids, and the last two days have been teacher-free so we made popsicles, did salt glitter art, plate snakes, and tried no-bake cookies.
He's not mine, but I'm going to miss this one! There are some kids that can't do you wrong. He does, but he just does his time and gets over it. My co-worker said to him Next up, high school. Maybe that's why I like him so much (I'm licensed to teach high school not preschool).
Working out
Since Monday was Memorial Day, the gym had a few classes in the morning but I had work so I had decided on Jazzercise. Didn't happen because they too were closed. I ended up coming home, sleeping, getting in some Turbo Round 41, and then going to a restorative yoga and digeradoo meditation class. I needed to go to get the experience, but no way no how am I going again. We did 4 poses in an hour and a half, and my feet and body got numb. I'm surprised I made it through, but mostly I did because it would be awkward to walk out. My head was screaming! I guess that's meditation for ya.
Other than that, I've powered through workouts this week without a day off. However, I haven't been doing AM workouts consistently - I had to be at work on Monday too early and I've been trying to sleep more when I can yesterday and today.
I've become pretty boring. I tried out chia seed pudding - pumpkin chia seed pudding to be exact. I even put them in old PB jars. It's quite filling and I don't know if it's because I'm less stressed or eating eggs at lunch or these seeds or a combination, but I don't get hungry as much in the afternoon.
Speaking of PB, I bought sunflower butter for the first time and it was delicious. Much better than tahini. It's a good nut-free butter for the no-bake cookies we tried to make.
I also got my shipment of Better Butters today. I'll post about them when I get a chance to try them TONIGHT!
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