I started my morning with little sleep, but I think if I sleep less than 6 hours, I’m good to go. Maybe I haven’t hit my deep sleep yet so I’m not so groggy.
First things first: gym. I was on the elliptical for 30 minutes before I lifted in Power (Body Sculpt if you want). I did great today. I felt chest presses in the rest place: the chest. I added tons of weight for calf raises, and pulled through the lunges. I was rocking it.
The class schedule changes every month and they’ve been using the basketball court for classes too so I hadn’t realized that they moved Zumba to the basketball court and freed up the group fitness room for Centergy (like PiYo) so I went to that today. My triceps are getting a good workout from all the chanturanga push-ups I’m doing nowadays.
Afterwards, I stopped by
Bake It Pretty. I got mini cups because I’m out, watermelon flavoring for upcoming watermelon cupcakes, and paper straws. I scored another free cupcake, a mini for myself: white cake with blackberry butter cream. I’m kind of into fruit right now.

Since they changed their hours, I wasn’t able to buy paper straws for days and thus, couldn’t drink my
homemade ginger ale.

I made ginger syrup according to
Joy the Baker’s recipe the let it rest overnight. I had a nice cup of ginger ale with my tilapia and yogurt for lunch.
After lunch, mom and I ran errands and went to the landfill. It’s in the country with a curvy road to get there. We drove alongside the dirt-encrusted river and found the landfill. Strange enough, the landfill has a gorgeous entrance with big apple tree like trees along the road. Hah. It was quick and easy.
Mom and I headed to the
Montford Tailgate Market where she got a
King of Pops fresh Georgia peach popsicle. She saw some pretzels, but I took us to
Crème Bakery for one of theirs instead. Sadly, when we got there, they were out of cheese filled pretzels. Mom wasn’t too upset, she headed straight for
The Hop Ice Cream again. She loves their avocado ice cream and wanted a fifth round of them. She even asked them to call the other location to see if they had any avocado pints left. No avail. Instead, she got green tea and a coconut mint scoop in a waffle cone. I held off.
Turbo was great today. Lately I’ve been sluggish because, for example, I run first, go to hip hop class, and do body sculpt class. Though it’s about an hour and fifteen minutes of pre-Turbo workout and not really too much, I’m fatigued by the time I start Turbo Kick. Today, I just started with body sculpt. I’m usually afraid my body hasn’t warmed up enough to start class at an optimum level, but the instruct incorporates a good and quick warm up in body sculpt.
I chatted with the club manager who signed me up at the gym two years ago. It’s sad, but I will miss the gym most. I grew a lot there and lost a lot too. I learned to love working out in the process of trying to lose weight. I learned that working out gave me energy, made me healthy, made me strong, and I learned that no matter how many squats and lunges I do, I’ve got an ample bottom and I should learn to love it sooner or later. I learned that it wasn’t all about losing weight. I made lots of friends, found tons of supporters, and smiled at numerous people daily.
I’m writing thank you notes to a few of them as well as to my favorite co-worker Ms. Karen. I’ll post them up when I find a white or gel pen to write on the black cards I bought from
Blue Barnhouse, a tiny stationary store across the street from the preschool.
In addition to thank you notes, I made a few invitations to my farewell and birthday.
Saturday, July 2 – since I’m an early riser and early sleeper, we’re heading out at 7:30
- 7:30 – We start at the Storm Rhum Bar & Bistro because it’s like the reincarnation of Usual Suspects where I went all the time and it’s uppity. They have fun liquor drinks and a good menu.
- 8:30 – Sante Wine Bar or 5 Walnut Street Wine Bar for wine and other libations. I don’t drink wine, but I should start trying some.
- 9:15 – I first started drinking beer at Thirsty Monk when I was writing my history thesis. It reminds me of my history family and mostly Adam and Conor. I love them and miss them.
Despite all the hard work, I love researching and writing my thesis, especially since I aced the thesis and class. ☺
I wrote on the invite to this that I’m inviting them because “I love you, I like you okay, I saw your name and thought I haven’t hung out with (your name) in a really long time, or I think you’re hot.” The latter is actually true for a few of the people I barely know and would like to see… like this one guy I met in 2006 and decided to friend on facebook. :) I’m so much hotter now dude.
I came upon a recipe today I had to make. I love whoopie pies. Love them so much I would open a whoopie pie making business if I could. It’s a cakey cookie and I used to make cookies that always turned out cakey and my cakes always turned out flatter than usual. Whoopie pies make me feel successful. Paired with my recent love for coconut, I could not pass up the chance to make
Samoa whoopie pies. The toasted coconut shreds made the house smell glorious and tropical.

No Yancey, they’re not Samoan because they’re bigger than normal. They take after the Girl Scout cookies of the same name. I made both minis and regular sized ones.
Yum yum yum. Mom and I shared one (mini).

Other eats today:
- For dinner, I wanted chicken. I bought chicken yesterday, but I was hungry so bought a kebob with chimichurri at Greenlife. Ate half the skewer. I also didn’t have any veggies at home so I got some veggies along with my chicken.

- I also bought a huge watermelon at Earth Fare because it was $2. I was sad when I had to talk to one of the guys who works there and tell him I was leaving. :/