Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday's Letters: Making up


Dear Hair, We're going to have some fun today.

Dear Face, Don't worry, You'll get some action too.

Dear Stack of Magazines, I don't know why I don't read you. You have tons of good workout and makeup tips. I save you for special occasions but realized I never just sit down and read anymore. When did I stop relaxing?

Dear "American Reunion," While I'm reading magazines, I'm watching you. Somehow I got sucked into "The Choice" last night without realizing how long it was.

Dear Thought Catalog, I love your articles. So ingenious.
I love lists. Joy the Baker was right, it is a super rad blog post idea. Watch for one here soon.

Dear Body, Wasn't yoga such a treat today? It wasn't fancy - just at the gym, but the instructor was tougher.

 Dear Ego, Nothing is better for you than dancer's pose.

What's your favorite yoga pose?
How do you relax on your day off?


  1. Man, I've always wanted to do yoga, but when I try I seriously feel like a freak! (: haha!

    1. Do it! You'll be glad. Some classes are a great stretch. Try yin yoga.

  2. favorite yoga pose? oh gosh, I just wish I could do one, good yoga pose :) Great letters! Happy Friday!

    Significance or Nothing.

  3. I like the dancers pose and the downward dog and the halasana (backpose) it really stretch the body! :) Stopping over from the link up!

  4. Love the list! I'm a big fan of rag doll - feels sooooo good on my poor hips! I don't relax with magazines, either, they always make me want to get up and do something!

    1. I clip a bunch of articles and plan to do them later... I never do.

  5. Thought Catalog is the best site!! I like Dancer's pose too; and I'm working on my scorpion pose!
