Dear Slov, I'm so fortunate to work with you again! Okay, so I didn't get most of my kids and the classes I'm in are small, but I get you! Though I will miss A Hecks so much, I still see him around.
Dear Moose, I can't believe I won't see you everyday and that you have other aides! I'm coming to visit you and the rest of my former Earth Science kids. I could see all of you but then I'd have to give up my favorite teacher...
Dear Mr. L, I couldn't imagine not working with you this year. I saw you everyday last year - we work so well together and your enthusiasm makes the class fun. I don't recall one boring day in your class.
Dear Muscles, I love you. I want to be the good kind of sore all the time because I know I'm getting muscles. Another week of 2 days of cardio, 2 days of hard yoga, 1 day of BodyPump, and a quick weight lifting session is perfect.
Dear Fridays, I've never been a fan. I know that's crazy, but take today, I have to go to work and then go to my second job. Somehow I'm going to make it okay. At least we have Monday off (kind of) and will be back to our normal schedule next week (I've worked more than my share this week!). Maybe some coffee will help.
Started off the day with a breakfast cookie.
Green tea was a great idea. This bottle was the only flavored green tea left. It held me over the entire day and gave me tons of energy. Definitely need a stash for days like today!
I also picked up licorice. I've eyed these for awhile and finally got it. I had 2 and intend to share the rest with my kids. They're good but not the best thing ever and less sweet than I thought they'd be.
I ate string cheese and 1/2 of this Vega bar (on sale of course!) for snack.
After work, I treated myself to CDM Yogurt.
Only 8 thin mint cookie and pistachio were so good. I work retail again tomorrow and will have to get it!
My nighttime snack once I realized I ate so little today: Trader Joe's honey Greek yogurt... and pumpkin cheesecake mousse.