Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Quit complaining (LiveFit Day 24)

Today must've been a day of complaining because everyone and their mother was doing it.

At home, my aunt gossips with every family member on the phone about us. Not in front of us, but in a different language (that I understand anyways) when only I am at home.

At school, my co-workers talk about the shortcomings of the teachers.

Then one, in particular, was in disbelief that I used 22.5 lb dumbbells with walking lunges so went home and asked her "fit" daughter about it. Her daughter lunges 65 lbs. Thanks for one-upping me and making me feel crappy. Though, I suppose parents will always dote on their children.

Same co-worker marched over to me and told me she didn't want "[name goes here]'s little friend" in class. Uh, that's totally demeaning the other student. My other co-worker recognized this

The sad thing is that my second job offered much relief, and it was with my questionable supervisor. I was so wiped out, but there were big sales and we ended up winning a district-wide contest and another 70% off 5 items.

I came home and did the dishes so my aunt would stop complaining. I was even mean about it and told her not to do a single dish again.

I have no patience. My tactic: just don't say anything negative. Waste of time. Actually, especially with the one co-worker at school, I'll keep more quiet.

Source: etsy.com via lefa on Pinterest

My work friend shared this tidbit of wisdom, Either you quit it or you quit complaining.

Okay, to more positive aspects of my day: breakfast.

Made Joy the Baker's coffee cake French toast for my cousin:

Constructed a to-do list: huh, didn't do much.

Worked out and upped my weights.

I snickered at myself when I was putting away my 20 lb barbell after doing tricep extensions and I walked by a guy with a 75 lb barbell. Sad. Hah.

I had chicken and onions for lunch and dinner and a PB & banana wrap for snack as well as 2+ servings of Trader Joe's Tempting Trail Mix. I read about it on Meals and Moves and Healthy Diva Eats, and just had to get it! $4.99 a bag is quite expensive though.

Time for bed and "Jack and Jill." I hope it's a laugh.


  1. That French toast looks awesome! I always want to make it, but I'm afraid it won't be as filling as my usual breakfast of oatmeal or Greek yogurt/cereal.

    1. I eat oats as well. I made the French toast for my cousin and it doesn't look as good as it could have been - I didn't have enough sugar to make the coffee cake crumbles.
