Thursday, March 15, 2012

From A-Z (LiveFit Day 32)

Thanks Janetha over at Meals and Moves for the fun template!

A is for age:

B is for breakfast today: 2 hard-boiled egg whites dipped in Trader Joe's spicy brown mustard and Nature's Path cranberry-ginger oatmeal, my favorite!

C is for currently craving: Something salty - something from my Foodie Penpal package (thanks Kristin T!)

D is for dinner tonight: Homemade sweet & sour chicken with massaged kale... same dinner 3 nights in a row!

E is for favorite type of exercise: Legs! I miss BodyPump, seriously, even though it hurts me sometimes.

F is for an irrational fear: Regaining all my weight

G is for gross food: Let's just say I poke the cucumbers out of sushi with my chopstick. No pickles or olives either.

H is for hometown: Huntington Beach, California

I is for something important: Studying for my CTEL exam :(

J is for current favorite jam:

K is for kids: I have a lot of them. :) My one and true fave son, Moose!

L is for current location: Fountain Valley, California... wow, where did I move?! Hah. At my aunt's house right now.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Food! More like a container of yogurt and sparkling lime water.

N is for something you need: Sleep!

O is for occupation: Instructional aide and sales associate

P is for pet peeve: Lateness

Q is for a quote:

R is for random fact about you: I never crave cereal.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Peanut butter anything please

T is for favorite treat: Cinnamon rolls

U is for something that makes you unique: My teeth are all straight, but the top and bottom don't match up. :/

V is for favorite vegetable: Sweet potatoes, onions, spinach!

W is for today’s workout: LiveFit Day 32: arms/abs and cardio, which was a super long workout! I didn't even have time to finish abs! :/

  • Gold's only has barbells in increments of 10 so I upped my barbell curls with 30# and found this a little too hard. 20# was too easy. My alternating hammer curls are getting better too.
  • I did not like overhead cable curls but hammer curls were okay. Darn cables.
  • I enjoy skullcrushers. Is that weird? I also like bench dips.
  • As for cardio, I enjoyed running the most. I ran for 10 minutes at 6 mph and then walked for 5 minutes at 3.5mph. And I was sweaty!

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Teeth and spine

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: My trip to TJ Maxx!

Z is for your time zone: PST

Your turn. Answer these!

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