Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WIAW: Pump & recover

Whipping out a frozen waffle topped with 1 egg + egg white + cheesiness for breakfast.

Then riding my bike to BodyPump. I was supposed to go to Step 'n Sculpt but decided I was too cardio'd out. I almost threw up last night in TurboKick. Sorry, TMI.

How many times will I try BodyPump until I like it again? I'm going lighter than my ego normally forces me to do.

My bike is back! Nothing was wrong with the tire - just needed some air.

Lunch included the last of my black beans and some chips I picked up. Much heartier than I expected.

Then shower and watching movies... I love Paul Rudd, and Jennifer Aniston is less annoying in this movie.
Or reading.

I finally finished The Last Summer of You & Me last night. Boy did that take me awhile. Let's just say it's not as good as the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. It's slow moving. Her descriptions of the place is very Nicholas Sparks but the story is less sad. The couple ends up together and leaves th physical barrier/island where they fell in love every summer.

I cooked up a batch of quinoa a la the Fitnessista. I can't wait to try quinoa for breakfast!

Finally, Surf City Nights and farmer's market tonight. Maybe, if I can get out of bed. :)

P.S. While I was out, I never showed you my sandals. I bought them in Austin after wearing my Rainbows to death for 2 years. Days off are the only days on which I get to enjoy sandals... :)

What little pleasure do you enjoy about days off?


  1. Happy WIAW! Your breakfast looks awesome. Thanks for sharing. :-)

    1. Thanks I was inspired by PBFingers' breakfast this morning!

  2. I love days off when you can lounge around, go at your own pace and get some much needed R & R. What movie is that you watched? I love Paul Rudd...Jennifer Aniston, umm, not so much. She's kinda boring to me...

    1. "Wanderlust." Always found Jennifer Aniston a bit boring too.

  3. Gah, I have that book to read, but you totally just gave it all away! Now I'm gonna have to wait until I forget how it ends before I pick it up! Lol

    Love love LOVE your savory waffle breakfast! With my love of eggs and cheese, I'm surprised I haven't done that combo before!

    I love lounge-y days off the best...no plans, no schedules, just time! Hopefully that's what this weekend will look like! :)

    1. Sorry didn't think many people would read it. Though you should still read because there's more to the story!

  4. Mmm I love breakfast quinoa:) Your savory waffle looks delicious, too! I will have to try out that waffle brand- looks very healthy!

  5. I wanna try BodyPump, I've been hearing so much about it on the blog world but I don't think there are any by me :/

    1. Where I used to live, they didn't have it either but the gym came up with their variation of it. The same.

  6. Wow, I've never seen that brand of waffles. It sounds extremely nutritious.

  7. Those are some fancy waffles! I want to try!

  8. I have Nature's Path Cereal every morning, but I have never seen the waffles. I usually make my own waffles on Sunday mornings, then freeze them on cookie sheets to pop in the toaster for my family later in the week. I don't really feel like I get days off. Every day is pretty much the same, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, etc. : P
