Saturday, September 22, 2012

First fall Saturday

This morning, I knew I would regret working out at night yesterday. My body was slightly sore but not so much that I couldn't move. I actually prefer working out sore because it hurts so good. :)

Less than 12 hours later I was back in the gym, did my thing in TurboKick though jumping wasn't happening because my outer thighs are the sorest, and then showered again.

I've thought about trying Batiste Dry Shampoo ever since I saw it everywhere and found some at TJ Maxx. I wash my hair everyday and it gets dry and frizzy. I can't avoid it because I sweat buckets.

Since I woke up too late for breakfast, I made a pumpkin pie spice latte protein shake, which was essentially coffee with protein powder added and blended with ice.

Afterwards, I still wanted breakfast and more pumpkin! I made Spoonful of Fit's pumpkin spice protein pancakes.

Her recipes are simple and clean, and not too bad in the taste department. They weren't as fluffy as my usual oatmeal protein pancakes.

Another protein recipe I'm always looking for: microwave protein cakes. Everything requires oats and I'm not a fan of whole oats in anything but oatmeal.

Yesterday night, I found A Dash of Meg's lemon coconut microwave cake. I used peanut flour instead since I couldn't find my coconut flour then used a regular packet of stevia for my own

I'm about to head to work. :( At least they didn't schedule me too early.

First, a trip to the library and the brand new Whole Foods. :)

Tonight is all about studying, and I bought garbanzo beans for the endless amount of raw cookie dough recipes.

Tomorrow's word is clean...
  • my car. Organize my shoes - all my shoes reside in my car!
  • my yoga mat
  • my gym towels
  • my nails. I bought a e.l.f.'s light beige polish for the fall
Oh, and studying... and learning to save money still. I did okay today - I spent money on garbanzo beans ($1), Power to the Greens ($2), and sweet potatoes ($2) + $5 cash back because I never have cash on me. Total: $10. Yet lots of gas. :/

What nail polish color are you using this fall?
Do you keep shoes in your car?

1 comment:

  1. Tha nail polish looks so pretty. I'm loving different shades of red right now.
