Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday's Letters: If in doubt, bake a cake.


Dear Neck, You still hurt but not as much as it did before. I'll take more Advil. I don't want to see the doctor and I want to be able to work out tomorrow.

Lesson: Don't try to get things from your back seat.

Dear Rest of My Body, At least you got to take a nap. You're getting a walk in later though. It's part of recovery.

Dear Trader Joe's, I wish I bought your vanilla cake mix with the vanilla bean flecks because I want cake ASAP. Check out all these 2-ingredient cake recipes.

I used half the mix with 1/2 can of diet Hansen's root beer and half with 1/2 cup of Fage 0% Greek yogurt + 1/2 c. water.

On the left is the diet soda cake; on the right is the yogurt cake. The yogurt cake is prettier.

However, it was doughier even though I left it for a little longer. The soda cake was tastier and looked more like a cake.

I don't usually make cake because they're so much work. Plus, there was that whole cupcake craze.

I also failed at making a tres leches cake so many times until I found the best pastel de tres leches recipe... and it used a cake mix.

However, the best cakes I've ever made are from Sweetapolita. I succeeded in making the triple lemon-blueberry layer cake! Her photos are gorgeous too.

Sprinkle Bakes is another great resource, especially her fun sprinkle cake.

Now to find a healthy or high-protein frosting recipe...

Dear Asheville, I miss Bake It Pretty though it's closed and sold to another. Still, I follow the former owner who is a sweetheart. She continues to bake over at Sweet as the Punch and renovate her camper in a cool designed blog, Out Like Bandits.

Try her ginger tea bread recipe!

Dear Pretty Little Liars, I'm finally watching you. Don't make me regret it.

I've been watching a lot of hulu lately. Here are some interesting goodies for you:
  • New Girl's newest episodes
  • The New Normal
  • fling
  • My Girlfriend's Boyfriend

What's your favorite cake to make?
What are you watching?

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