Friday, April 13, 2012

1st Friday's Letters

*Go to Ashley's blog. She has great style and vivid photographs.

Dear Body, I gave you some rest today. You're going to power through workouts tomorrow.

Dear Suzanne Collins, I just finished Catching Fire and you are a genius.

Dear Library, Please have Mockingjay for me to borrow on Monday.

Dear Mother Nature, I don't particularly like rain. One day is okay but can it be less wet tomorrow?


Rainbows are cool though. This was taken outside of work.

Dear Friday, You were very much like Saturday. Why did you come so quickly?

Dear Sunday, What should I do with you?

Dear Manager, Thanks for only scheduling me one day next week. I guess?

Do you have anything/anyone you want to talk to but can't/don't? Talking to inanimate objects is kind of odd.


  1. Yes I talk to inanimate objects. I feel it helps me to keep my sanity. Like how I tell my coffee pot every work morning that I love it....

    1. I'm being good. Usually I yell at inanimate objects that don't work!
