Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Healthy Living Survey

 I found this through My Food N Fitness Diaries as well as other blogs, but I really liked her blog. 

1. What did you eat for breakfast?
I had oatless oats that my dad made. I gave him the recipe and he does okay.

2. How much water do you drink a day?
I drink about 3 liters of water each day.

3. What is your current  favorite workout?
I love TurboKick. I love the Spartacus workout and Blogilates' Powerflex workout. Right now though, I'm loving lower impact workouts like Bikram or DVDs at home.

4. How many calories do you eat a day?
Not enough. I eat no more than 1400 usually. 

5. What are your favorite healthy snacks?
I used to go GA GA for apples and PB. Now I eat Greek yogurt all the time.

6. What do you usually eat for lunch? 
 I eat some type of fishy protein with spinach.

7. What is your favorite body part to strength train?
I used to love working my butt but now I like working out my arms!

8. What is your least favorite body part to strength train? 
Abs and back. My core isn't very strong.

9. What are your "bad" food cravings? 
Pizza! I've eaten a lot of it lately.

10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?
I take calcium prescribed to my mom and an Alive! multi.

11. How often do you eat out?
Once or twice per week. I do a grab and go at a supermarket.

12. Do you eat fast food? 
RARELY. Once or twice a year.

13. Who is your biggest supporter?
Oh wow, this is hard. Mom, probably.

14. Do you have a gym membership? 
Yes, and I keep buying Groupons and LivingSocial deals. I just bought one for my friend's studio, Harmony HB Arts & Wellness Center.

15. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? 
Usually seven. I would like more though...

16. Do you have a "cheat" day?
No cheat day here. I try to eat healthy everyday with a treat everyday.

17. Do you drink alcohol? 
Once every month or two. 

18. Do you have a workout buddy?
I will attempt to workout with someone, but it seems like such a commitment.

19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a Healthy Lifestyle? 
Feeling strong. I never had confidence and now I have something.

20. What was the last healthy thing you did?
I had steamed pollack and 1/2 a sweet potato for dinner.

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