Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday [relationship or whatever] thoughts

It's the California laid-back style mixed with the Asheville hippie. Same here - I'm cool because of that according to him. 

It's the fact that he's known me for so long and my drunkenness and his drunkenness don't faze each other.

It's that he brought me a blanket and pillow (standard) and then put two bottles of water next to me before I went to bed. 

This, these feelings, has never happened. Not after a month and definitely not after 6 years.

Nothing happened though and nothing will [probably] happen.

However, I did decide to end the 2 week thing. I already knew. I just wasn't attracted. I did miss the 2 month thing because I was attracted.

I've never "ended" anything. It's pretty bad though when I would rather buy a new phone charger than seeing him again.


Have you ever been in love? Have you ever considered someone you've known for years?

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