Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WIAW: Satisfying cravings

The other day, I got a package in my mail. The kind people at Garden of Life heard me and sent me their chocolate Raw Protein.

I simply blended it with some almond milk, greens, 1/2 banana, and ice. Satisfied my chocolate craving and doesn't hurt my stomach!

Other cravings: wine & cheese while watching the finale of "The Voice."

Apples & delicious Wild Friends' newest sesame cranberry peanut butter - it has a chewy texture.

Our mornings look like this.

Today was crazy winter hat day. I bought this hat years ago for $5.

We finally put lights out. First time ever.

Favorite pose:

Dancer's pose!

What new foods have you discovered?
What's your favorite yoga pose?


  1. your dancer's pose photos are too funny! i love that pose.

  2. I think you're going to like Wordpress! If you ever get stuck on something, search for it on YouTube. That's what I did anyway.

  3. I know, we cannot even trust our tap water for drinking, California is one of the top places with contaminated water, a surprising number of U.S. cities have drinking water with unhealthy levels of chemicals and contaminants. I found this list...
