Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"You matter in this world."

I'm done 30 minutes early! Okay, the truth is I skipped the gym and did Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones video.

I've gained weight since last week? The scale may be wrong overall, but it shows I gained 4 pounds! How is this possible? Well, I hope I can get some solid answers today when I go to my nutrition counseling/massage. Somehow we got our signals crossed and the appointment is at 3:30 today so I'll have to get out of work a bit early.

Being voluptuous looks good on some. Even then, she's very normal. I know I'm not extremely overweight, but I definitely feel that way a lot. Who doesn't?

Time for sharing since I had some time to mess around this morning.

1) New song featuring Mike Posner. I'm not a fan of it, especially since he doesn't have a big role. Maybe it'll grow on me?

Also, not feeling the haircut she has with one side shaved. Do you like it?

2) Last night, I watched "35 & Ticking" to go to bed. It wasn't too bad. While some stories were fluff and horribly humorous (36 and working at a "bank," which really meant sperm bank), I liked Tamala Jones' story and that she does not end up finding a man in the end. You know, sometimes that really happens. She was the best in the movie.

Off to work!

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