Friday, October 5, 2012

Wake & Bake Day 2: Browned Butter Cinnamon Chip Cookies & Banana Bread


Dear Little Cousin, Your puppy eyes got you these.
For the record, I had one.

Dear Belly, I made a lazy sushi bowl for lunch today. You loved it with 1/2 a can of tuna.

I sauteed the onions and carrots first.

Dear 4th period faves, I'm on a baking binge. I woke up too early on my rest day and decided to bake again. I wanted to make cookies for my favorite kids. :)

Dear Joy the Baker, I rolled with your browned butter chocolate chip cookies. Love the flecks of sugar.

I used cinnamon chips instead of chocolate chips. They were delicious and were devoured within 5 minutes!

While I waited for the cookie dough to chill, I saw my frozen bananas were adding up and made a quick, one bowl banana bread from Orangette. This is my favorite recipe though I should have baked it a tad less. Still great with cinnamon chips.

Dear Conscience, I baked all of that... and ate an Asian pear. #liveleaneatgreen Hope you're happy
Okay, and one cookie. :)

Dear Eyes, I promise to give you more rest tonight. I know its been a rough few days! Now you've got 2 days off!

What are you up to this weekend?

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