Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Losing the JELL-O and the best microwave protein cake

Athletic training yesterday + wall sit + yoga this morning = sore inner thighs

Let's celebrate! Getting my inner thighs to be sore is tough business. Sure I do sumo squats and lunges a lot but it somehow doesn't work enough.

So what worked? A mix of everything and lots of it. We did so many lunges, jump squats, mud runs, hops, skips, shuffles, etcetera yesterday and then held so many crescent lunges today. I also did a 2:26 wall sit. Another one tonight to beat my time.

Good thing I have a day off. I came home and napped for half an hour. It felt so good.

I read a bit before dinner and have succumbed to hulu. There's so much to watch: "The Mindy Project," "The New Normal," "The New Girl," and "Bones!" Yikes, I'm in trouble. Plan: Study leisurely while watching. :) Does this work for anyone? It takes me longer but I prefer it.

And then more reading.

Survive on $35 (for food) update: I bought some snacks to share with my kids and much-need BOGO flax milk. I'm up to $40. ForgottenBeast goes with a $40 grocery budget too - it's a little more realistic. *Although a big chunk of my budget was used for protein powder this week.

I was able to make Kiss My Broccoli's Peanut Butter Pumpkin Cake for One. This is the best microwave protein cake ever! I want another one!

Another quick snack: dark chocolate pretzels from the bulk bin. I'm not usually a fan but a couple are perfect.

I love reading blogs/posts. Here are some quality ones I'm lovin'.
P.S. This was in the ladies' bathroom at work. His name is Jesus Malverde, a folklore "angel of the poor" or "generous bandit." This bust of him is also featured on the show Breaking Bad.

Our bust has tissue paper over his eyes, which I'm guessing is a way for him to give us privacy. Weird.

What's the best microwave protein cake you've ever made?
Do you have a morning ritual?


  1. Thanks for the shout out girlie! I'm so glad you liked the cake! I honestly can't even begin to tell you how many times I've had it in the last week! Lol

    Great job on the wall sits! And weighted ones at that...nice!

  2. Where do I begin?! I love so much on this page! That sandwich looks so yummy! Tom Hardy is so gorgeous :) And those shoes are too cute!
