Sunday, September 11, 2011

F is for figs, fall, and fitness

Last night, I had to try those figs I bought.

My cousin found some awesome containers of honey they got from a neighbor but never use.

I mixed it with some Greek yogurt. Voila!

This morning, I woke up bright and early and rode my bike to TurboKick.


Gorgeous waking up as the sun peaks through the clouds and inhaling the fresh fall air. :)

I had some time to kill and didn't want to do cardio before... knowing the instructor. Instead, I did Blogilates' Fit 4 Fall. The low cobras killed my triceps!

Turbo was rough. This instructor does a ton of cardio, very fast.

Showered and now I'm doing a few things online like... checking out the vendors for Cupcake Camp OC, which I'm heading to VERY SOON. (I decided against driving out to the Great Park farmer's market again - too far.)

The rest of the day will involve walking around to digest whatever I end up eating there. My plan is to bring lots of it home, but knowing me... hehe. :)

Should have some post-workout meal though. I'm thinking eggs.

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