Monday, February 11, 2013

MIMM: 7 Best of Saturday

Saturday alone was super-di-duper-ty exciting! I don't know what's going on with me. Maybe it was the whole "we work and sleep most of our lives" realization. Thanks a lot Mr. Blizzard (science teacher I work with).

1. I woke up for boot camp and actually chatted with the other attendees! Ray, he's my pal. I always pick his group when we do circuit training.

2. When I came home, I saw my $5 NatureBox package. Chocolate covered almonds? Yes!

In return, I finally sent my former roommate and his current roommate an awesome Valentine's Day package with goodies and a bottle of California hard apple cider.

Other cool ciders I didn't buy:

This is ALL me!

I also found my cousin Kickapoo Joy Juice! He was so excited.

3. Then it was off to the O.C. Mart Mix. Not only do they have a farmer's market on Saturdays but they had booths set up inside along with the usual local shops, Surfas Culinary District, and Fixtures Living. All provided 2 hours of fun with minimal driving.

Rolling Greens for all your green needs, not mine

Stumbled upon MasterChef Whitney Miller who was baking and signing cookbooks at Surfas!

Coconut and peanut butter Confetti Italian Ice to share with my cousin - the custard on top slipped and fell on me on the way home!

4. I came home, attempted to watch "The Walking Dead," and went to Chinese New Year's Eve dinner with my family. The old me would say HECK NO to The Cheesecake Factory.

Take 1: my cousin's girlfriend JoAnn, me, my uncle, and aunts.

Take 2

I ordered a skinny mojito and the ahi capraccio, which amounted to not so bad. :)

5. Maybe it was the mojito, but I got my Saturday shift covered for The Love Mud Run. Yes, it's next Saturday and I almost never run. Thankfully it's a 5K with obstacles in between. I have a need to test my fitness now that I can.

6. Finally...
I'm Attending Blend

I thought about this all day. I've thought about it before and once wanted to go to Homefries U. What's different today?
  • Cheap retreat. 
  • Close, and thus, cheaper plane ticket. 
  • A vacation on its own would be more expensive and more difficult. 
  • No pressure + no speakers/panels. Just fun. 
I just wanna break out of my shell.

Yikes, I just spent like $300 today, and I haven't even purchased the plane ticket. This is what happens when I get paid. I'll have to save up again, but honestly, it's not that bad for such great experiences.

7. Now off to watch "Celeste and Jesse Forever" and enjoy my dessert, pear Chobani!

Rashida Jones is gorgeous and Andy Samberg is hilarious

Are you going to the Blend Retreat? 
Have you done a mud run? Any tips?


  1. SO fun you are going to BLEND! I went last year and loved it! Wish I could go this year, but I will be too pregnant to go!

  2. Let me know what you think of the movie! I can't remember, but I think I liked that one
