Outfits have been determined by spirit week, even though I opted out of going to the big game this Friday.
I found out today that I'll be sticking with my students through November. The bigger issue: will I be staying through December? I need the money and more importantly, I couldn't leave my students with someone else (besides their teacher).
The dilemma: I planned out a vacation to North Carolina in December a couple of weeks ago. I didn't have a chance to buy the ticket yet.
The teacher wants to return, but this is the
third time she's had to extend her sick leave. She was supposed to return at the beginning of October then moved the deadline to November and now it's through November.
Who knows what will come up? She doesn't.
The other dilemma: I haven't received a paycheck for September or October - it's a dire situation. I cannot wait to replenish my bank account. It's making the vacation outlook sad.
On the other hand, I haven't seen my friends in a year. These are just your typical friends, these are best friends, some of whom I haven't seen in years.
I could always go later. Christmas is the best time to go though.
So I'm stuck waiting for more definite news. If this takes too long, ticket prices will be outrageous and I'll have to postpone.
But, even if I don't get to stay in this position, the district is in desperate need for subs.
And I could always go later.
I'm also waiting for news on a house we may or may not be getting. If we get the house, vacation is out. Not only will I have to save money, I'm willing to postpone to move in!
Sounds like the decision was made without my knowing. Sadly, and I'll have to prevent myself from going crazy without companionship.
Sure, I've got friends here but none like those.
So... I've busied myself preparing lesson plans. Work costs money. I also had to rent "Oliver Twist" again.
Why isn't it on Netflix? :(
At night I sleep with books. :/
At least I was productive yesterday: no nap, worked out, and did my own homework. :(
Today (Tuesday) included shopping for tomorrow's birthday and bon voyage parties for my kiddos. I got bagels for the morning class and turkey & spinach lasagna for my afternoon class.
I'll be working on decorating tomorrow too.
I also picked up the prequel tone of my favorite movies!
My calves, particularly my right calf, which I worked on Sunday, is so painful I can hardly walk! :( That meant a rest day today.
When did you have to make a similarly difficult decision?
Do you take your work home? How much time do you work on work?