High Five for finishing my assignment already! Call me an overachiever, but I've always done my homework early. I never pulled an all-nighter in college unless I was out partying.
This assignment was tough because it was foreign to me - lesson plan analysis for a 1st grade class on behavior. Uh, what? I asked the instructor a bazillion questions (via e-mail because it's a one-month-per-class online program), talked to 2 teachers, and spoke to the speech-language therapist. I finished it up late last night and then only got 3.5 hours of sleep. :(
This is actually a photo of my morning set up in which I started next week's assignment. It was easier and I needed to feel competent after being clueless about this week's work.
High Five for being flexibly inflexible. The term was coined by Laura over at Sprint 2 the Table. For me, this means I must workout 5-6 days each week. I schedule every single day though, but if I wake up and don't want to go, I don't go. If I want to sleep in, I turn off the alarm. If I do 4 days of yoga then I body weight train, get flexible, and get in a good stretch!
Case in point: yesterday I woke up for CrossFit and the coach didn't show up. 10-15 of us went for a run, came back, and still no coach. We came together and worked out anyways. We had fun and did a full hour outside the "box."
This wasn't always the case, and sometimes I still feel anxious. Yes, working out brings me unnecessary stress. I think, I have to go to that class. I need to do x days of cardio, weights, and stretch.
And to tell you the truth, I have no idea why I stopped freaking out and if it's over. Something has clicked like when I started to lose weight and work out 3 years ago. It just happened and I can't pinpoint the moment or the reason.
A possible theory: I have other things to worry about like 3 jobs and school. There's more to life!
High Five, or fist bump, for joining CrossFit. It's official!
Why did I join CrossFit?
- I'm a hipster and it's cool right now.
- I stopped striving to be tiny - it backfired on me - and am striving to be strong.
- More men, less women.
- The guys are hot.
- The women are bad asses and are thus, my role models.
- I have a pair of Reebok Nanos, which makes others assume I do CrossFit.
- I want to wear CrossFit clothes.
- The people are nice. Last week, a guy rescued me when I couldn't get my sandbag on, a girl cheered me on, another guy put down his bar when he saw me struggling and got me another bar, and I have a workout partner. I was worried about partner work, but easily found a partner.
- Everyone is inspirational. I work out with a lawyer, real estate agents, etcetera.
- I perform in the bottom half, and I find this unacceptable. I've always done well in group fitness classes at the gym. CrossFit challenges me to achieve at the next level!
- I wanted this snazzy new t-shirt.
After joining, I proceeded to Rx the WOD for the first time and tied for the top score in the 6 A.M. class! Today's WOD is the workout for week 2 of the CrossFit Open and included push press, deadlifts, and box jumps!
Woop! Already making strides!
3.5 hours of sleep, 2 hours of orientation at my new job (mix of culinary and social media marketing), 4 hours at the high school, 4 hours selling active wear, and not to mention the drive time between work. I never drink coffee, but a strong, straight up black coffee was necessary. Especially since I looked like this mid-afternoon... yikes.
I enjoy busy days as much as a complete rest day. I must sleep for tomorrow is boot camp at the regular gym with my homie, an awesome 50 or 60 year old man. :)
Best selfie of the evening:
Have you pulled an all-nighter?
How many hours of sleep do you get?
What's your favorite workout now? What has your workouts looked liked in the past?
Definite high five for being flexibly inflexible! I had a similar outlook in the past of getting anxious/stressed over missing a planned workout, but now I'm much more relaxed. Sure, I still plan them all, but if I miss one because of other important things going on, it's not the end of the world!